Hello everyone, me again! Bringing you the latest in Curious King movements and activities for the month of July.
It’s been a hell of a month, that’s for sure! So much has happened in the last few weeks, including the incredible reception to Legend by David Gemmell and various trips and meetings. I was really pleased with the feedback from our release of Legend, particularly the Deluxe Edition (it has quite a few admirers I believe).
Where have I been this month? Mainly to and from Ludlow on the prototypes for Legend, but I also had a very interesting meeting with Matt from The Broken Binding. I’d been meaning to meet up with Matt for some time, mainly to link up with another UK Publisher to discuss issues and bottlenecks in the industry. I have to say, what a nice chap Matt is! We spent a couple of hours over a pint discussing our publishers and how they worked, and I was really impressed with what he’s achieved since starting TBB. The good news is I’ll be making a trip down to Matt’s warehouse and unit in the West Mids in a few weeks time. The better news is, he may be able to solve my expensive shipping rates! It’s early days, but I’ll be exploring other methods which should make postage and packaging cheaper than the rates I currently offer (this should please everyone outside the UK immensely)!
In other news we have a new member of the team! Some of you may know James Macnamara from his popular Instagram @fantasyphile or the facebook collecting groups. Well, I’ve been working with James for the last 6 weeks now on our social media strategy/execution and he’s been doing a wonderful job. We’ll be getting James set up with his own email soon! Oh and don’t pester him for information on future releases, I have one of his children hostage and I’ve told him I’ll go all bloody-nine on them if he shares any secrets…
Well I best talk about my books then eh?! Read on.
Reaaaaaaaaaaally close to finishing the printing now. Slight delay due to a section not going to plan at Nomad Letterpress but we’re on it and will have the pages done and dusted soon. Once this is done, the pages go across to Ludlow Bookbinders for the last piece of the puzzle – this should be in a week or so!
We have all the art in hand, as well as the signed limitation pages so there’s nothing to stop this one going straight to binding and shipping. Very exciting indeed, and I’m looking forward to seeing this one come together.
Expecting shipping at the end of September or early October, but we’ll see how the land lies once Ludlow receive the pages.
Before They are Hanged
Moving very nicely at the moment! Plates have been made, ready for printing after Hyperion which is great news. I also have all of the art handed in too! All that’s left is to get the limitation pages signed, and there’s nothing to hold this one back. Here is one of the interior images done by Vance Kovacs: