Christmas 2022 Update

Christmas 2022 Update

It’s Curious King’s Christmas Update!

Firstly, I’d like to apologise to everyone for the lack of communication and content in general, it’s not how I’d like to do things but my personal and professional life has been immensely busy over the last year.

Things have gone backwards from my original predictions, and I feel like I’ve let people down a bit with timelines. I plan to try and rectify that in 2023.

As Christmas is on the horizon, I thought I’d give people updates on the various things I’ve been working on. Some good, some not so good, but the main thing is progress is being made on all fronts.

Here we go!


The Blade Itself

The bad news first. We don’t have all the art turned in yet – so there is going to be some delay on the binding process i’m afraid – hopefully not too long though! When I have it all in, i’ll let everyone know.

As far as printing is concerned it will be completely printed for the first week in Jan, and Ludlow’s can start doing all the prep for the book blocks. There’s quite a lot to this, so this will keep them occupied while Tommy finishes the art.

This puts a predicted shipping date of April currently, and I’m hoping this does not move.


The Fifth Season

I’m picking up the prototypes for the three main editions on Thursday (22nd) which is very exciting. I will then take some pictures and pull together the info release over the Xmas break, and hopefully post these before New Year. First thing to mention is that these are only prototypes, and the final version’s are likely to have some changes to them, but it will be more than enough to see what I’ve done.

I’ve had a first look at the dustjacket, and I love it and so does the author. It still needs some work and John is making progress (so I believe), and I will have this for the info release too. Again, I was hoping to have this some time ago, but deadlines shmeadlines right?

I think I’ve mentioned this, but I’m also working on a Roman Numeral Edition, which is frankly nuts, and I’ll be doing one for each of the three books in this series. The info for this will follow early next year as the prototypes will take much longer. I’ve got some really cool people working on this, so I’m stoked to see how it turns out.

Regarding pre-order, it’s going to be something like 13th or 15th of January all being well. I’ll start the rights holders from the 9th of Jan, then if any numbered/lettered remain sell them with the standard edition on the pre-order date.

Keep an eye out over Xmas for the info release!



I’m at the concept stage still and working on the design. This is one of my favourite books of all time, and I really need to nail it.

The good news is I have received all four books limitation pages signed by Dan Simmons, which is fantastic. They’re sat behind me in my office all tucked up waiting for a fucking cool binding and case. So if anyone was wondering whether I’ll do the full four, I have the signatures for them so I better bloody had.

When will I pre-order these? Christ. June 2023? Maybe earlier if I get my skates on. Unfortunately with a day job, two young children and two major publications still to get out the door, I feel like I’m wading through treacle right now. Note to self. You can’t skate on treacle.


The Rest

What else is going on? With alllllllllll of that, can’t believe I’m looking at anything else to be honest, but of course I am. I’m getting closer on another Sci-Fi series (FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, JUST DO A SINGLE FUCKING BOOK FOR ONCE). This Sci-Fi series is a big one (more than 3 books) and is just incredibly well written, with such a cool concept.

I have a feeling not everyone will have read this series, but I know how well it is regarded and the author has a huge following (but maybe not in sci-fi…). Anyway, I’m not there yet, one of the book is so bloody large I’m not sure how I’d do it. But that’s a problem for another day.

Anyway, I haven’t signed anything yet – so there’s a chance it may not even happen. But at least it will give you something to guess at over the next couple of months. Though I’m certain some sharp-minded so-and-so will get it right in the comments as per usual.


Right, that’s it. I hope this is something for my incredible collectors, and I really hope 2023 will bring more updates, more content, more titles and more lovely books delivered to my faithful.

I’d like to go and turn a gin tap on in my mouth but I think my youngest has just woken up and it’s my turn!
