Limited Run Publishing

Rights System

Clarity over Curious King rights system. It’s a bit confusing as we publish series not just standalone books, but I’ll try and cover everything below.

When we refer to new “Publication” we are not talking about following books in a series, we are talking about new IP’s/Authors. This means books 2 and 3 of our series do not come with any Publisher Rights, even if they are released after our latest book (Hyperion). Books cannot be sold without rights, rights follow the book.

For some clarity on the below – I refer to a new book/series as a publication.

Standard Edition

  •           If part of a series, then this book carries rights to the remaining books of that series, but not to new publications. If not part of a series, then the book carries no rights at all.

Numbered Edition

  •          Comes with two tracks of rights. Series Rights (S) is for the remaining books in a series, and Publisher Rights (P) is for future publications of Curious King
  •          The latest book cannot be sold without both Series and Publisher rights.

o   Example: You cannot sell Hyperion without Series and Publisher rights until you have pre-ordered our next publication Legend

o   Once Legend has been purchased you can sell Hyperion with only Series rights, but not Publisher rights. Publisher rights carry on to the latest publication 

  •           Numbers 1 – 150 come with both Series and Publisher rights
  •           Any future publications over 150, will only come with Series rights

Lettered Edition

  •           Comes with two tracks of rights. Series Rights (S) is for the remaining books in a series, and Publisher Rights (P) is for future publications of Curious King.
  •           The latest book cannot be sold without rights.

o   Example: You cannot sell Hyperion without Series and Publisher rights until you have pre-ordered our next publication Legend.

o   Once Legend has been purchased you can sell Hyperion with only Series rights, not Publisher. T2 rights carry on to the latest publication. (Legend in this example)

Two tracks allows people to purchase a book in a series they want, and still get rights to the remaining two. If a book is sold that has rights attached, these will be honored by CK and cannot be sold without.